Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

I know you might get whiplash from going from mister creepy down there, to this, but oh well. This is another piece I did while in school. I was at a loss about what to do for one of my illustration classes, and it was Christmas time, so I thought, why not just set up a Christmas still-life, paint it, and call it a Christmas card... and that's what I did. So here we are today; I'm at a loss about what I should post on my blog, it's Christmas time again, so why not dig up my old Christmas card painting and call it good... so that's what I've done. My mom loves it! This is oil on canvas, for those who care.


David Malan said...

Looks very nice to me,though i think it's a little dusty. Why don't you post this years christmas card?

Dave McClellan said...

I think I did something like this when I was in school too. Yours is better.

Ryan Wood said...

Love the traditional skills man! You musta used the glow brush on that candle though. Right?

Brian Cutler said...

No way man, it has never entered the realm of Painter.

emily said...

Very well done Brian